Friday, January 5, 2007


I'm often pretty bad about exchange rates. I can't do math in my head to begin with. When we were in Mexico, where the exchange rate is general pretty close to 10:1, you'd think I could figure it out but I was never sure if I had just bought 5 cents worth of hot sauce or $5.

Luckily, India uses credit cards, so I didn't have to stand dumbly with a handful of money and say "how much can I buy with this?" But I still have trouble figuring out prices. Part of it is that things don't cost what I think they would in a one-to-one exchange. So I try to guage prices across things to ballpark it. I went and bought some cute outfits for the girls (pictures at the end of this post, girls don't look if you don't want to spoil it!). The shirts were INR299. I figured that probably wasn't too bad. I bought some Indian comicbooks. They were INR30. So far, seemed about the right ratio. Then I bought some Indiopop cds. They were INR125 and INR140. Now, a cd in the US is what, $15-20? I started to think "Whoops, I might have gone a little overboard on shopping." Nope--INR125 = $2.83. BOLLYWOOD ROCKS!

Oh, and here are the outfits... (GIRLS DON'T LOOK =)

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