Sunday, January 14, 2007

Stores in India

I decided that rather than make myself nuts trying to cram everything into my small second bag, I'd buy an inexpensive suitcase here. This is sort of a typical store on Commercial St. It's packed floor to ceiling with stuff. The rest of it was up a curving staircase with just enough room to get one foot in front of the other. Even by the standards of the store we looked in, that was pretty tight but the rest of the store looked like a lot of the stores we were in. Very narrow, packed to the rafters and lots of staff. There are a couple of guys who worked there that aren't even in the picture.

We put our bags into the suitcase and then one of the guys carried it several blocks to where our driver was parked. Can you imagine a clerk in the US helping you carry a $30 suitcase 4 blocks? It had wheels, but he carried it. And they were pretty insistent that Revathi and I shouldn't carry it ourselves. It wasn't like we filled it with 200 lbs of stuff--just some books from the funky bookstore we went to.

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