Saturday, January 6, 2007

Things you can't buy in India

or at least not easily.

I usually try not to stress too much about packing, figuring I can always pick up something when I get there if I forget something. Usually it's a good thought.

I decided not to wear my contacts on the plane, figuring that they'd just be uncomfortable anyway. But then I forgot to throw the case in my bag. I had a second pair with me, so that wasn't the issue. I just had no place to put them when I took them off.

I figured this probably wasn't too big a deal--you can buy a contact lens case all over the place, right? Nope, this was like the lack of a clock. I thought I could go to a grocery store and get one, but I was told no. There was a Health and Beauty store. Nope.

I finally just asked the concierge(s) if they could find me one, which they did.

I didn't predict the lack of a clock, so I'm not really sure it's the same category as the contact case. In fact, I kind of think not being able to find a travel alarm clock isn't as surprising as not being able to find a contact lens case.

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